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Finding Origins


“With this project being my Final Major Project at school, I wanted to create something a lot different but yet summarize my whole experience as an artist and as a human being in general. As a person who thinks about the world in a very conceptual, philosophical and existential way. I often get overwhelmed with my own thoughts, resulting to not being able to articulate my ideas into words for people to understand. Through out my time as an artist in my school especially, i've always created artworks that are based on a certain issue (whether its personal or a general issue). Though this is based on my personal struggle. I wanted to create something that is more abstract and impulsive as well as more experimental. Something that'll exceed my own expectation and skills in art through out these years. And to create that, my chosen medium is design. Because i think design is a very structural way of thinking and creating. Because it is a medium used to solve the 'abstract', a medium used to 'simplify' ideas, visuals and objects. Which is why i think it is very much relevant to my personal struggle- of not being able to convert my ideas and thoughts into something comprehendible towards the public”


"I expect my self to put good use of my experience in making this final artwork for my FMP (especially to solidify my pathway interest in design). I've decided to come back to my original objective, which was to discover and explore more about design and using design not just as a medium for graphics and visual communication, but to use it as a creative approach of manipulating forms and making use of everything around me to share better 'stories' to different people. By making a room installation, I expect it to be an emotional experience for all who enters. though it's my story, but its things in my head placed in a specific way that will make people identify a persona significant to me. When people come to a new place, they tend to find it fascinating because its different from theirs, which means there’s a process where they apply theirselves towards something. How people react towards my work will show how the audiences distinctive difference in character. There will be some who relates entirely with me, some who just doesn’t get it but appreciates it anyways and some who will just question theirselves even more"

Finding Origins, 2021

Sha Hou

Room Installation

8m x 10m


Growing is a repetitive process for all. We think we’re grown, when a dozens of challenges awaits and that cycle repeats unconsciously. With the world evolving with new experiences, beliefs and innovations, we also change by taking different aspects from what’s around us to improve ourselves. As years pass, Sha has bound to give so much depth to every detail in her life, it questions her existential presence as a human being and how she perceives others as well as the world around her. Which brings her to paying more attention on how she thinks and how people would perceive her on both positive and negative sides. With her head full of her own idealistic thoughts it’s hard to find middle grounds between others as well as it’s frustrating to simplify what’s inside her head. Therefore, this work embodies a personal exploration journey of finding the origins of her source of ideas from exploring interests, hobbies, works, journals, personal analysis and many more.

Come inside and take a closer look!

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3

More about the Artwork!

About The Artwork Video By GASJON

Behind the work

Video Profile "Finding Origins with Sha Hou" By GASJON

Final Major Project Visual Journal

Walk in Video Tour By GASJON

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